Well folks, its official. I am on the plane. Vancouver is the first stop. I made it through Toronto airport without any snags, lets hope that clearing customs will be just as easy. I’m filled with two emotions right now: Excitment and dread. I am so excited to be given this opporunity, to be able to study in Chongqing, and to see part of the world. However, another part of me is afraid of getting lost. I will be outside of my comfort zone big time. I don’t speak the language, and I have vague ideas of where I’ll be. I will say flying over Canada has reminded me how beautiful this land is. It seems so big and spacious, where I know that will not be the case in China. I’m sure it will feel big, not so much spacious.

Look Mom I made it! Its the airport! IMG_20140906_103830_edit.jpg

Here is a photo of the mountains from my gate IMG_20140906_103232.jpg

I’ve now landed in Vancouver and I’m eating my last Canadian meal. A cheese burger. I fly out in an hour. So I am posting this really fast. I cannot wait to land in Beijing and try and figure my life out from there. Mind you my ears still haven’t popped so my hearing is all funny.

Once again, if you want to get a hold of me my email is
Let’s not forget China is still a communist country, and they do censor the internet, which means I do not have access to Facebook. So once I have an address I will share that information and we can do snail mail and email. :) I am so excited to be able to share this experience with you all via the blog. I hope I can tell you guys some funny stories, and express how much fun I should be having. I will make sure to upload photos. Don’t you worry.

xox Vanessa
See you on the flip side!


Now read this

Saying Goodbye!

*Above is my home school, its where I’ve spent the last 4 years! Below is the new adventure! SWUPSL Well as most of you know I’ll be moving to China! I leave in just over two weeks, however, that means its all about preparation! Starting... Continue →